The Birth of Thea Madison Quinn

the home birth of this sweet mom, documented on a sweet birth film…

There is something so wonderful when you see a chorus of family members present at the birth, not only fully supporting the laboring mother, but welcoming the newest member of their family. When Sydney and Brit asked me to be a part of their birth, I had no idea how special it would be. I am always honored to step into anyone’s birth space –with it I bring my heart, by birthy soul, and my doula’s intuition. This birth was no exception…when I walked into their birth space at their home, I was greated with the warmest welcome…and a sight I never grow tired of: women supporting women (even Sydney’s own mother was her doula). Please watch their sweet birth film and let me know what you think!

Also, the sweet moms have started their own Instagram account and blog! Here are their handles and site! They are so sweet and amazing! follow along their parenting journey! xoxo